What is staking and how does it work?

AME Chain
AME Chain
Published in
Jun 15, 2021


Staking is a way of earning passive income. It is used in networks with Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm, which fully replaces mining, allowing new blocks to be minted and transactions to be verified without using too much processing power.

Here is how it works: users stake some amount of their coins, which are then used to ensure the network validates its transactions correctly. While the coins are staked, they can’t be spent, but they generate yield, rewarding the staker.

Staking is, in some way, similar to a fixed-term bank deposit. The idea is the same: the client deposits money and can’t use it until the pre-established term runs out.

At AMEPAY users can earn a reward for staking AME tokens! It’s a simple and reliable way of making money.



AME Chain
AME Chain

A fast and secure decentralized digital asset ledger that is EVM compatible with high performance and scalability.